Supervision for health and community care workers
At Veriti we recognise and value the contribution of supervision and believe it is essential for a broad range of health care workers. Supervision supports health and community care providers to reflect on their practice, and provides opportunities for shared practice, staff, and service development. Veriti offers supervision solutions for staff working in health service delivery sectors as well as staff working in the non-government/ community care sectors.
At Veriti we believe supervision is a confidential process* between supervisor and supervisee. Veriti works with organisations to develop, implement and review supervision programs to create a culture of enquiry and critical reflection. We can consult with you to identify and develop supervision models that meet your organisations’ specific needs, and can provide training in supervision for both supervisees and supervisors.
Veriti Directors have extensive experience in the development and delivery of supervision and are well placed to meet your individual organisation’s needs. Contact us to find out more about supervision models/ programs and how we can assist your organisation to develop and support staff.
Veriti also has trained and experienced supervisors available for both individual and group supervision at competitive prices. Contact us for details of available supervisors in your area.
*This may be qualified where practice breaches ethics or conduct codes, or places an individual at risk of harm. Veriti’s supervision training includes the process to follow in such cases.