Interpretation of Coagulation Screen

Author :  Charles G Bloe BSc RGN NDN ITU cert.

Approximate learning time:  1hr 00min

Course Overview:  This course is suitable for any healthcare professional who is required to interpret the significance of coagulation screens.

Course Objective:  By the end of this chapter you should understand:
• The purpose of the coagulation process
• The indications for anticoagulation therapy
• The mechanism for haemostasis
• The significance and normal values for: Fibrinogen, Prothrombin Time, Partial Thromboplastin Time and International Normalised Ratio
• The commonly used anticoagulation drugs, their mode of action, normal dosages and side effects

Author Biography:  With a reputation for providing quality clinical updates Charles Bloe Training Ltd. has extended its portfolio of over 100 courses with specialist high quality e-learning modules.
Our classroom based courses are delivered by a team of 75 clinical experts providing a comprehensive solution to your continuous professional development needs.
Charles Bloe training Ltd. provide tailored clinical updates for:
• Nurses
• Doctors
• Paramedics
• Pharmaceutical and Supplies Companies.

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